The Suppressed History of America's Counter-Revolutionary Violence And Repression |
![]() The Suppressed History of America's Counter-Revolutionary Violence And Repression First goes the Constitution, then the Country. First goes the memory of the people, then their liberties. America is the tyrant of the world. The 9/11 fraud was a poisonous pill that Washington's Empire swallowed with the help of the terrorist leaders of Israel, who handed it a tall glass of water to wash the evil down. The people of the planet know this to be the truth about 9/11. An alternative worldview is emerging. The truths of history are resurfacing onto the plane of collective reality. The War on Terrorism is in reality a War on Revolution. And it is, above all, a war on a second American revolution because America is under tyranny from the American Empire more so than any other country on Earth. The American Empire is not American at all. It is just as anti-American as the Soviet Empire was before it collapsed. The Empire, in the hands of the private Federal Reserve banksters and internationalist corporate establishment, is a leech on America. As Paul Craig Roberts wrote in his article, Empires Then And Now: "Huge sums of American taxpayers’ money have flowed into the American armaments industries and huge amounts of power into Homeland Security. The American empire works by stripping Americans of wealth and liberty." The Evil Empire's war on terrorism is a cruel joke. It is a global war on freedom and independence. Counter-terrorism legislation is a ruse to crush dissent, destroy civil liberties, and target political activists for advocating change and reform. This global war on freedom did not begin on September 11, 2001. And Muslims are not the only victims. Since World War II, Washington has taken on the role as the counter-revolutionary power in the world. It has used its awesome technological, economic, and military might to suppress national revolutions against corporate colonialism and international financial tyranny, as symbolized by the private Federal Reserve system, the City of London, and Wall Street. The most famous victims of America's war on revolution and freedom are the biggest names in 20th century American political history: John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the Wall Street owned CIA because he was a world revolutionary leader who wanted to bring an end to the Cold War and an end to CIA coups against revolutionary governments and leaders in the Third World. Author and Christian theologian James W. Douglass wrote in his book, "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters," that President Kennedy was in conflict with the CIA because of his democratic stance towards liberated and independent third world nations like Indonesia under the leadership of Sukarno. Douglass said: "Kennedy's openness to Sukarno and the nonaligned movement he represented once again placed the president in direct conflict with the Central Intelligence Agency. . The CIA wanted Sukarno dead, and what the Agency saw as his pro-communist "global orientation" obliterated. . The CIA's coup plotting against Sukarno became public during the Eisenhower administration. In the fall of 1956, the CIA's then-Deputy Director for Plans, Frank Wisner, said to his Far East division chief, "I think it's time we held Sukarno's feet to the fire." The Agency then fomented a 1957-58 army rebellion in Indonesia, supplied arms shipments to the rebels, and even used a fleet of camouflaged CIA planes to bomb Sukarno's government troops. The CIA's covert role was exposed after one of its hired pilots, Allen Pope, bombed a church and a central market, killing many civilians. Pope was shot down and identified as a CIA employee. Sukarno freed Pope from a death sentence four years later in response to a personal appeal by Robert Kennedy, when the Attorney General visited Indonesia on behalf of the president, thereby strengthening the bonds Sukarno felt with both Kennedys. Unlike the CIA, President Kennedy wanted to work with Sukarno, not kill or overthrow him. . At the same time that Kennedy diplomatically resolved the Indonesian-Netherlands conflict, the president countered the CIA's plots against Sukarno by issuing his National Security Action Memorandum 179 on August 16, 1962. Addressing NSAM 179 to the heads of the State Department, Defense Department, CIA, AID, and the U.S. Information Agency, JFK ordered them to take a positive approach to Indonesia. . As in the case of newly independent African nations, the CIA's deep-seated opposition to Kennedy's openness to Sukarno arose from something more basic than Cold War ideology. As in the Congo, Indonesia was rich in natural resources. If its natural resources were developed, Indonesia would become the third or fourth richest nation in the world. U.S. corporations were determined to exploit Indonesia for their own profits, whereas Sukarno was busy protecting the wealth of his country for the people by expropriating all foreign holdings. . From the ruling standpoint of corporate profits and Cold War ideology, it was clear Sukarno had to go. The CIA was committed to achieving this goal, as Sukarno was well aware. . On the evening of November 19, 1963, when JFK said he was willing to accept Sukarno's invitation to visit Indonesia the following spring, he was setting in motion a radically transforming process that could dramatize in a very visible way Kennedy's support of third world nationalism. That sea change in U.S. government policy would be terminated three days later. The fate of Sukarno himself would be decided, in effect, in Dallas. As would be revealed by post-Dallas events, the primary factor that had kept Sukarno's independent government alive amid the hostile forces trying to undermine it was the personal support of President John F. Kennedy." (JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters. Simon & Schuster: New York. Pg. 258-61). After JFK's tragic assassination, the U.S. corporate empire cracked down even harder on liberation movements in the global South and Third World. America's official policy towards these countries centered around deliberate economic underdevelopment, financial exploitation, corrupt resource extraction, and coercive depopulation. A key policy paper that laid out America's historic strategy towards containing the rise of the Third World was National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200), dated December 10, 1974. Paul Joseph Watson wrote about the significance of NSSM200 in June 2009 in an article called, "The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies": "In the latter half of the 20th century, eugenics merely changed its face to become known as “population control”. This was crystallized in National Security Study Memorandum 200, a 1974 geopolitical strategy document prepared by Rockefeller’s intimate friend and fellow Bilderberg member Henry Kissinger, which targeted thirteen countries for massive population reduction by means of creating food scarcity, sterilization and war." Washington's depopulation agenda is directly connected to the fraudulent events of September 11, 2001, and the fraudulent global war on terrorism. The tyrants in Washington reinvented America's image as the global defender against international terrorism and rogue regimes in the wake of 9/11, but the secret political and population policies that they developed during the Cold War were left intact and enhanced. The National Security State was never interested in stopping terrorism and protecting the United States from foreign threats. Its real aims are to depopulate the planet, build a global fascist government, foment wars worldwide, and spread counter-revolutionary terrorism to put fear in the hearts of freedom fighters everywhere, including in America. JFK and MLK, along with Jefferson, Washington, Adams, Madison, Henry, Paine, and Franklin turned in their graves a long time ago. America was supposed to be a revolutionary nation--a shining light on the hill--not the tyrant of the world that wages an endless war upon the human race. |