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Ron Paul's Presidential Odds of Winning Drastically Increased


Britain's biggest bookie has Texas Congressman 12/1 to win White House, down from 66/1

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Britain's biggest bookmaker William Hill has drastically slashed Ron Paul's odds of becoming president from 66/1 to just 12/1, putting him on course to go head to head with Rudolph Giuliani for the Republican nomination, which will be decided in the next six months.

After initially writing off the Texas Congressman as a fringe candidate, the establishment media are finally having to admit that Paul's meteoric rise over the last 10 months have turned him into a frontrunner with a real chance of claiming victory should his growth curve continue.

Ron Paul is now ahead of John Edwards and John McCain in the betting and is closing in fast on Barack Obama, Al Gore, Fred Thompson and Mitt Romney, according to William Hill's odds.

From being Ron Who? to many people back in January when he announced his attention to run, Paul has captivated the nation with his fierce and patriotic defense of the constitution, standing out from the rest of the Neo-Con dead horses in the Republican field that the establishment had hoped to run in order to ensure Hillary Clinton's election.

Clinton is still hot favorite, but with members of her own party viciously attacking her pro-war record in the Democratic debate yesterday, the tide could be starting to turn.

Other betting companies like place Ron Paul ahead of Mitt Romney at just 6/1.

The Ron Paul Revolution has blown away all cynicism about the people's candidate not having a snowball's chance in hell and now is the time to re-double our efforts in educating others about the Texas Congressman's campaign.

We are encouraging all our readers to support the November 5th donation drive which aims to put another $10 million in Paul's campaign coffers by bringing together 100,000 people to donate $100 each.


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