Webmaster's Opinion-Obama Will
Not Prosecute Bush/Cheney![]() |
Mark my words. President Obama will follow in the footsteps of
his predecessors by not holding his predecessor, George W. Bush
and members of his administration, liable for violating the
United States Constitution and criminally responsible for
treason, 9/11, financial fraud, mass murder and war crimes. Along the same lines as his predecessors, President Obama will deal with the current financial crisis by pointing his finger at everyone except the real culprit, the Federal Reserve Bank, the U. S. executive and legislative branches and their partners in crime, the Wall Street financial institutions. The Federal Reserve Bank is a cartel of private banks with only one motive-profit. Presidents like Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson and Woodrow Wilson all knew about the all pervasive control that a private central bank has when it is permitted to print the money for the government and then lend it back to the government at interest. The end result of this scheme is that US government is in debt to the Federal Reserve Bank and taxes our income in order to pay this debt. As a result, we all live our lives in debt. Being in debt is a form of slavery. John F. Kennedy passed an Executive Order six months before his assassination. This Executive Order would allow the federal government to print money based on a silver standard. This order was the beginning of the end of the Federal Reserve Bank. Mark my words, President Obama will be: Just like Al Gore, who after fighting in Court against the 2000 election being stolen by computer fraud and voter suppression, capitulated on the floor of the United States Senate by stopping anyone from objecting to the Certification of the Florida electoral College vote. Just like Clinton, who stopped any investigation of George H.W. Bush and his involvement in the Iran-Contra affair and his involvement in the assassination of JFK and the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan. Now you see Clinton and Bush acting as if they are bosom buddies. That is because they are and always have been. Clinton was involved in allowing cocaine to be imported into a small airport in Arkansas when he was governor. George H. W. Bush was involved in the importation of this cocaine to fund the Iran-Contra affair and the secret government populated by CIA agents. Now that I think of it, the payback for Clinton allowing this was for him to be elected president. Just like John Kerry who capitulated the day after the election knowing full well that Bush stole the election by voter suppression and computer fraud in many of the battleground states. Of course, he explained his concession in words that the everyday uninformed simplistic Americans would understand "I don't want to seem like a sore loser". Since when would you be considered a sore loser if you accused your opponent of cheating when you knew he had and when the evidence was clear that he did. Just like Gerald Ford who struck a deal with Richard Nixon which called for his resignation instead of impeachment hearings. In this way, the real reason for the Watergate burglary would be kept secret and the complicit Congress would continue to look good. The real reason was that there was evidence, including photographic evidence, placing E. Howard Hunt in Dealey Square on the day JFK was killed. If you are too young to remember, E. Howard Hunt was one of the Watergate burglars. He recently died. Before he died, he made an audiotape in which he clearly states that JFK assassination was a conspiracy of the CIA including Lyndon Baines Johnson. Of course, the mainstream media did not pick up on this earth shattering news. While we are on the topic of Gerald Ford and the complicit mainstream media, Gerald Ford, on his deathbed, admitted that the Warren commission lied in its placement of the “magic bullet” as it went through JFK’s shirt. If not for this lie, the “magic bullet” theory would fall apart and consequently the “lone gunman” explanation would not be plausible. Of course, the mainstream media did not report this earth shattering news either. Just like the mainstream media does not question the official 9/11 conspiracy theory despite the fact that it is obviously a lie, has numerous unexplained circumstances and does not in any way talk to why WTC 7 collapsed on its footprint in freefall time late in the day on September 11. Neither does the 9/11 commission investigate in any way whatsoever funding of the attack. Any criminal investigator knows that if you follow the trail of the money you will find the perpetrators. Just like Obama who will not investigate Bush and/or Cheney for all of the felonies, war crimes, financial fraud, treason including the planning and orchestration of 9/11. He will just chalk it up to "moving on for the good of the country". The good of the country requires the investigation and prosecution of all of these criminals starting with George H.W. Bush and moving forward. |