LINCOLN, KENNEDY, AND OBAMA I wrote the following as a comment to the Member Post in which Ellen Brown demands that President Obama bypass the Federal Resreve and issue a new United States currency free from debt and interest. I decided that since comments to member posts do not appear on the main page that I would reprise my comment in its own article. --- Lincoln issued his famous greenbacks to fund the Civil War without enslaving the American people to the 30% interest demanded by the bankers. Lincoln refused to plunge the people of the nation into a debt they could never pay back, and issued his own currency instead. “... (we) gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they have ever had – their own paper money to pay their own debts...” The bankers understood the threat a government-issued currency represented to their wealth and power. The London Times wrote of Lincoln's move... “If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.” Following this editorial, the governments of Europe, as much under the control of the banks as the present US Government, offered to support the Confederacy, but had to quit when Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, as their own people refused to support the side in the war that favored slavery. After the Union won the civil war and it was obvious that Lincoln would keep his greenbacks in circulation, he was assassinated. Popularized history portrays the assassination as the work of John Wilkes Booth who we are told thought the outcome of the war would be reversed by Lincoln's death (along with simply wishing to be more famous than his father Edwin Booth). But the historical truth is that 8 other conspirators were arrested and sentenced for the plot. Of the 8, one individual stands out. Samuel Arnold was convicted for being one of the core plotters, but was provided with a lawyer by no less a figure than Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, and then pardoned by President Andrew Johnson! Following Lincoln's death, Congress immediately repealed the Greenback law, celebrating the end of slavery by re-enslaving all America to the bankers! "The struggle that was to rid the country of human slavery of the black race, however, was also to fasten upon the whole nation an economic or money slavery, which has endured to the present time..."-- Dr. R.E. Search in Lincoln: Money Martyred Kennedy issued his US Notes for much the same reason. On June 4, 1963, Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110, which authorized the US Treasury to issue a new form of silver certificate. Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 of cash money; free of debt and free of interest. It was a sufficient amount to allow the nation to operate without the private Federal Reserve. Just 5 months later, JFK was shot by the "crazed lone nut" Lee Harvey Oswald. Almost immediately after Kennedy's death, the US Notes were pulled out of circulation and destroyed except for samples in the hands of collectors. A telling clue lies in the fact that the Warren Commission, now widely understood to have been a cover-up, counted among its seven members John J. McCloy, who had served as head of the World Bank and President of Chase Manhattan Bank. A rather odd resume for a man charged with investigating a murder, in hindsight! Subsequent examination has shown that Kennedy's Executive Order 11110 was never rescinded. That would have taken an act of Congress, and in the atmosphere of near deification of JFK following his death, that would have brought more public attention to what Kennedy had wanted to do. So, the E.O. still stands. I have written this commentary for two purposes. First, to remind President Obama that he already has all the authority he needs to order the US Treasury to start issuing currency. He just needs to pick up the phone or stroll through that tunnel and tell them to carry out Kennedy's EO 11110. Obama has that authority. He does not need Congress or anyone else's permission. My second purpose is to send a message to the Federal Reserve. and that message is that if Obama does start issuing currency in accord with the Constitution and Kennedy's EO 11110, and anything happens to him (or for that matter to Ellen Brown), the owners of the Federal Reserve will be our first and most likely suspects. |