Gaddafi: A New World Order Obstacle |
![]() Gaddafi: A New World Order Obstacle Posted on July 16, 2011 by Editor By George W. Berry Gaddafi speaks out against the New World Order: Gaddafi makes an impassioned speech for Peace and Democracy at the United Nations. Libya IS a Democracy, contrary to NWO propaganda. (Search “Direct Democracy” on my web site.) The United Nations is NOT a democracy. The General Assembly is window dressing for all the other Nations of the world to release ritualistic steam, like speakers in Hyde Park. The Security Council is where all power is concentrated. No nation can be a Sovereign Nation that does not have sovereignty over issuing its own money. Issuing the money supply is THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL ASPECT OF SOVEREIGNTY! In today’s world, banks are essential. A Central Bank is like the heart of a human being. It pumps money into the economy just as a human heart pumps blood. A nation’s Sovereign Public Central Bank, like the Bank of Libya which makes loans interest free, produces prosperity and freedom from compounding debt. A Private Central Bank, like the USA “Federal” Reserve Bank or the Bank of “England” is a vampire system for legalized theft of a nation’s assets. A Private Central Bank forces a nations’ citizens into compounding debt - into debt-slavery. The implantation of a Private Central Bank into a nation’s economy is the exact equivalent of a vampire disguised as a doctor doing bypass surgery on a patient to pump more and more blood AWAY from the patient’s body and into the vampire’s fangs! A Public Central Bank is an Organic Bank which is accountable to the citizens (Search “Public Central Bank” on my web site.). A Private Central Bank is a Parasitic Bank accountable to no one – which brings us back to the concepts of dictatorship, democracy, and sovereignty. The artificial implantation of a Private Central Bank is an OFFICIAL SURRENDER OF SOVEREIGNTY by the host nation. The Private Central Bank’s owners become the source of ALL power, because they have HIJACKED the nation’s money supply. The host nation, no longer being sovereign, obeys the orders of the DICTATOR. The controllers of the money supply – the real source of power – DICTATE to the host nation what nation’s foreign policy will be, in their goal to have a ONE-WORLD debt-slavery system where the dumbed-down debt-slaves are human cattle to serve the parasites. The debt-slaves are sent into foreign wars not in the National interest, but in the interest of the debt-slave masters. Young men & women of the host nation go into these wars thinking they are fighting for “freedom” and “democracy”. They are actually fighting for debt-slavery and dictatorship – the dictatorship of their Private Central Bank debt-slave masters. Elections in the host nations become meaningless window dressing, because no candidate will ever dare address the fundamental issue of restoring the nation’s sovereignty by ABOLISHING THE VAMPIRE PRIVATE CENTRAL BANK – no candidate, that is, other than Dr. Ron Paul! The Mass Media of the host nation becomes an extension of the Private Central Bank’s lust for the blood of the host nation’s citizens. Since the Vampire Private Central Bank creates the money supply, it can quickly monopolize the host nation’s “free” press. The Mass Media is correct about one thing: the gang-rape of Libya’s sovereignty is about freedom & democracy vs. dictatorship. As they so often do, however, the Mass Media has inverted the truth. Libya is sovereign, democratic, and free. The NATO nations with their Private Central Banks are not sovereign – they are in fact Private Central Bank DICTATORSHIPS of the NWO. Following the orders of the Vampires, the captive host nations then DICTATE to other nations that they, too, must surrender their own Sovereignty, and become members of the BIS/IMF WORLD DEBT-SLAVERY SYSTEM of PRIVATE CENTRAL BANKS. Thus, NON SOVEREIGN NATO DICTATORSHIPS attack SOVEREIGN DEMOCRATIC LIBYA. Gaddafi’s Gold Dinar Plan and Libya’s Public Central Bank would have changed all that, and freed all of Africa from Private Central Banks. Ultimately, it might possibly have freed the NATO host nations from their own parasites – Vampire Private Central Banks. Gaddafi’s courage and pioneering efforts in restoring national sovereignty and making the government responsible to the people instead of to the Vampires shows what can be done. Freedom from debt-slavery is an idea whose time has come. (Click here) and (Here) Copyright 2011 Crash! Are You Ready?! All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reprint the articles on this web site provided proper credit is given to Crash! Are You Ready?! and the author. |