Who Can Commit Crimes With Impunity? |
http://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2011/02/18/videos-who-can-commit-crimes-with-impunity/ Videos: Who Can Commit Crimes With Impunity? Is there a group of people so powerful that they can steal trillions of dollars and not even be indicted? Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone thinks there is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZjPCJfvV0M&feature=player_embedded This is a worldwide phenomenon that has lasted through time. Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy both wanted to issue a non-interest bearing currency which would avoid our current crisis. JFK was killed on the anniversary of the day the bankers first met in a private rail car to draft the legislation for the privately owned Federal Reserve bank which prints America’s money. Killing JFK on the anniversary of the birth of the FED was a message to the commoners from the people who think they own you and the government. You cannot be allowed to prevent Depressions, Inflations and massive unemployment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Y-LjL2yyVZo The greatest crime of the 21st century was not 911. It was the cover up. Who has so much power that they can blow up World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7 and cover it up? Who has so much power that they could steal 2.3 trillion dollars from the Pentagon, announce it to the world on 9-10-2001, blow up the military auditors looking for the missing money on 9-11-2001 and cover up both the theft and the bombing? In the next video we see the German company that recovered the evidence from the WTC computer hard drives that proves someone knew the planes were coming and stole 100 million dollars. Who had enough power to halt the investigation into the people who shorted airline stocks prior to 911? Who had so much power they could stop the FBI from investigating the IP address that warned Israelis using Odigo messaging to leave the WTC before the attack on 911? Who has so much power that they can force the DOJ and the FBI to ignore the theft of 100 million dollars from American Express on 911? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R3QgmWstJA&feature=player_embedded If you have not guessed who is so powerful that they can commit mass murder, treason and steal trillions of dollars with impunity, let me give you a more obvious hint. The Israeli government denies food, water and medical treatment to the people of Gaza and the West Bank. This is a war crime. In this last video we see typical Israeli criminals denying medical treatment to the critically ill. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=k-TmAnD04yo Conclusions: Have you guessed why we know there was a conspiracy to murder JFK, MLK and RFK but were never allowed a proper investigation into their deaths? Martin Luther King was killed on the first anniversary of his famous Riverside church speech against the war in Vietnam. Before his death he had become interested in the Palestinian cause. If he had lived, we would have an effective anti-war movement and Israel would be back behind their pre-1967 borders. Only the Jewish Criminal Network is capable of committing so many crimes in so many jurisdictions over so many decades and covering it all up. Maybe what a Jewish professor once said of the Jews is true: “All That Matters Is Being Jewish And Getting Away With It.” http://vidrebel.wordpress.com/ |