By Ray McGovern, TomPaine.com
Posted on January 5, 2007, Printed on January 6, 2007
Lies have consequences . All those who helped President George W. Bush launch a
war of aggression -- termed by Nuremberg "the supreme international crime" -- have blood
on their hands and must be held accountable. This includes corrupt intelligence officials.
Otherwise, look for them to perform the same service in facilitating war on Iran.
BBC reports Bush will reveal troop surge plan in sacrifice-themed speech
Updated: 10:16 a.m. ET Jan 3, 2007
If in your presence an individual tried to sacrifice an American serviceman or woman,
would you intervene?
Would you at least protest?
What if he had already sacrificed 3,003 of them?
What if he had already sacrificed 3,003 of them — and was then to announce his intention to
sacrifice hundreds, maybe thousands, more?
The Big Lie Technique
Robert Scheer, Creators Syndicate
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
AT A TIME when approximately 57 percent of Americans polled believe that President
Bush deceived them on the reasons for the war in Iraq, it does seem a bit redundant to
deconstruct the president's recent speeches on that subject. Yet, to fail to do so would be
to passively accept the Big Lie technique -- which is how we as a nation got into this horrible
mess in the first place.
The basic claim of the president's desperate and strident attack on the war's critics this past
week is that he was acting as a consensus president when intelligence information left him no
choice but to invade Iraq as a preventive action to deter a terrorist attack on America. This is
flatly wrong.
Democracy and Delusion in Iraq
By Larry Johnson,
Thu Dec 15th, 2005 at 08:15:15 AM EDT :: Iraq
With voting already underway in Iraq, we should harbor no illusion about the
ultimate outcome - the Iraqi Shias with the closest ties to Iran will secure the
largest share of the votes. George Bush is right about one thing: this vote is likely
to remake the face of the Middle East. Unfortunately, his vision that Iraq will
become a launching pad for a new era of peace and understanding among the
nations in the region is not only farfetched, but ignores what is actually taking
place on the ground.
A few hundred miles to the west, the radical Muslim Brothers (spiritual kin of the
Wahabis of Saudi Arabia) have secured a historic place in the Egyptian legislature.
Despite intense pressure by the Mubarak government, they rallied their supporters
and got out the vote. At least they heeded Bush's call for democracy. On the northern
border of Iraq, in Turkey, the Islamists also are on the upswing. And let's not forget
Lebanon, where forces with close ties to Iran are consolidating power and influence.
Remember, Hezbollah is no longer a rag tag band of terrorists; instead, it has grown
into a disciplined de facto Army of Lebanon.
The Insurgents Will Wait Us Out No Matter What --
They Live There!
Cenk Uygur
Donald Rumsfeld said this weekend that withdrawal plans send a message to
the insurgents that if they wait us out, they can prevail. The Bush administration
has said repeatedly that even talking about withdrawing will cause the insurgents
to wait us out. Isn't it obvious that this rationale is devoid of any and all logic?
The insurgents LIVE in Iraq. They're going to "wait us out" no matter what we do!
U.S. commanders in the field have repeatedly said that over 90% the insurgents are
local Iraqis. If we tell them that we are never going to leave, do you think that will
make them fight less against us? And if we were to win the game of waiting them
out, where would they go? Back home? They're already home!
US Ambassador to Iraq Admits We've Opened
Up a Pandora's Box
Cenk Uygur
United States Ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad recently had a very
frank conversation with Newsweek's Michael Hirsh. In this conversation,
he admitted the United States has opened up a Pandora's Box in Iraq which
might create a world with far more problems. He is also the first administration
official to acknowledge the Iraq war might lead to a bigger and more dangerous
regional war in the Middle East.
'A clear strategy — for disaster'
Posted on Saturday, December 03 @ 09:34:48 EST
Ray McGovern
The bromide-heavy speech that President George W. Bush gave Wednesday at
the Naval Academy presents a clear strategy for continued quagmire and eventual
disaster in Iraq. Despite the gathering storm of opposition to the administration's
approach to the war in Iraq, the speech was long on tired cliches and bereft of
new ideas, calling to mind the words of Emerson: "A foolish consistency is
the hobgoblin of little minds."
The problem is that this hobgoblin has consequences. Bush's renewed warning
of a future "Islamic empire from Indonesia to Spain" at first seemed to me as
outlandish as President Ronald Reagan's warning that the Russians planned to
land in Nicaragua in order to invade Texas. Now it seems that Bush's concern
may become self-fulfilling prophecy, since the course he is on could hardly
be better designed to usher in an eventual Islamic, rather than American, "empire."
Bush in Iraq, Slouching towards Genocide
Despite pretty words about democracy and freedom, George W. Bush’s “victory”
plan in Iraq is starting to look increasingly like an invitation to genocide, the systematic
destruction of the Sunni minority for resisting its U.S.-induced transformation from
the nation’s ruling elite into second-class citizenship.
The Sunnis, an Islamic sect that makes up about 35 percent of Iraq’s 26 million people,
are being confronted with a stark choice, either accept subordination to the less-educated
Shiite majority or face the devastation of Sunni neighborhoods, the imprisonment of many
Sunni males and the deaths of large numbers of the Sunni population.
Cut Our Losses
Jack Murtha is as tough as they come
Op-Ed Columnist
Washington ? Jack Murtha is as tough as they come, but he's seen enough of
the misguided, mismanaged, mission impossible war in Iraq to know that
it's not sustainable, not worth the continued killing and butchering and
psychological maiming of thousands of American G.I.'s.
'First Light'
Posted on Friday, November 25 @ 08:57:08 EST
Chris Floyd, The Moscow Times
Last week, America's troubled sleep was shattered by a trumpet blast of truth sounding
deep in Washington's corridors of power, where the rule of the Lie has held sway for
so long. This intrusion of reality into the bloodstained fantasyland of the Bush Regime
comes late in the day for the moribund Republic -- perhaps too late -- but it has struck
a mighty blow against the Lie's adherents, driving them into spasms of hysterical panic,
like rats exposed suddenly to the light.
The unlikely instigator of this historic upheaval was U.S. Representative John Murtha, the
73-year-old conservative Democrat and war hawk, one of many "opposition" leaders who
once strongly backed President George W. Bush's murderous folly in Iraq. Murtha, a
Vietnam vet, has been a stalwart of the military-industrial complex for decades, supporting
U.S. wars around the world and showering legislative largess on the weapons industry --
which has obligingly kicked back lobbying contracts to his kin and friends, The Los Angeles Times reports.
Rep. Cynthia McKinney: 'The Republicans have done a
heinous thing — Stop playing politics, get the troops out now'
Posted on Sunday, November 20 @ 09:13:40 EST
Rep. Cynthia McKinney, CounterPunch
[The following is the text of Rep. McKinney's floor remarks on the November 18
debate over the "Murtha" withdrawal resolution.]
The Republicans in this House have done a heinous thing: they have insulted one of the
deans of this House in an unthinkable and unconscionable way.
They took his words and contorted them; they took his heartfelt sentiments and spun
them. They took his resolution and deformed it: in a cheap effort to silence dissent in the
House of Representatives.
The Republicans should be roundly criticized for this reprehensible act. They have
perpetrated a fraud on the House of Representatives just as they have defrauded the American people.
'Cheney is vice president for torture'
Fri Nov 18 2005
A former CIA director has claimed that torture is condoned and even approved
by the Bush government.
The devastating accusations have been made by Admiral Stansfield Turner who
labelled Dick Cheney "a vice president for torture".
He said: "We have crossed the line into dangerous territory".
There are no Innocent Bystanders; We are all
The Massacre Continues
- More than a half a million Iraqis died as a result of our sanctions
- We've fired thousands of missiles and bombs on Iraq including
Thousands of tons of depleted uranium
- We've killed more than 100,000 Iraqi civilians
- We've left the air, water and soil of Iraq poisoned for generations
Sweet Victory: United Methodist Church Calls
For Withdrawal
It's one thing when former high-ranking members of your own
Administration come out against your war. It's another thing when two-
thirds of the country calls the invasion and occupation a mistake.
It's really something when your own church issues a statement urging
you to pull out the troops now.
Cheney, Libby and the Mess They Made
John Nichols
Tue Nov 1, 2005
The Nation -- Much of official Washington remains focused on the issues --
legal and political -- that have arisen from the indictment of I. Lewis
"Scooter" Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Cheney who was a
principal architect of the administration's approach to Iraq before and after the
invasion and occupation of that distant land. This is as it should be: Libby and
his former boss need to be held accountable for leading this country's military
forces into a quagmire that has cost more than 2,000 American lives and tens
of thousands of Iraqi lives.
Notes From Underground: Exposing the Maw of Bush's Gulag
Quietly, firmly, relentlessly, the good captain laid out the list of atrocities
committed at the order of the enemies of freedom: "Death threats, beatings,
broken bones, murder, exposure to elem
ents, extreme forced physical exertion,
hostage-taking, stripping, sleep deprivation and degrading treatment."
A catalogue of depravity, all of it designed – with diabolical sophistry – by
self-exalted men cloaking their violent perversions with sham piety and righteous
sputum. This was terrorism on a grand scale, chewing up the innocent and guilty alike.
The good man in question is of course Captain Ian Fishback, the born-again
U.S. Army officer who has blown the whistle on the systematic abuse of captives
rounded up in George W. Bush's Terror War. Fishback, frustrated after 17
months of trying to get the above atrocities investigated through official channels,
finally turned to Human Rights Watch – and top Republican senators – seeking
redress for the bloody dishonor that Bush has brought upon America .
By Rep. Barbara Lee September 29, 2005
If you are inclined to believe the president, we will be in Iraq , in his
words "as long as necessary, and not a day longer." Members of the
Bush administration, including the president, have been at pains to
dispel any notion that they have plans for a permanent military presence
in Iraq .