Bad Faith:
Crimes of the State
With the release of the NIST final report on Building 7 we can
safely say that the government remains committed to the ongoing
cover-up, and that crucial evidence was simply ignored, fairy tales
were manufactured, and that's good enough for a lot of media.
Perhaps a super-majority of media.
As media, "the press," will not perform its function as society's
government watchdog, and will not pursue the gaping holes in this
wizard's curtain, it's basically left to us -- you and me -- to
clear up this matter for our fellow citizens. We are at a serious
disadvantage, and yet the task is not so daunting as rabid
"debunkers" would have you believe.
Let's defer to one of their own, the former head of NIST's Fire
Science Division (the federal government organization which produced
the sham report linked above).
Dr. James Quintere Phd. certainly meets the criteria of "expert" as
well as "specialist" and "insider." Here's what he had to say about
NIST's 7 year farce investigating the 9/11 building "collapses."
"I have over 35 years of fire research in my experience. I worked in
the fire program at NIST for 19 years, leaving as a division chief.
I have been at the University of Maryland since. I am a founding
member and past-Chair of the International Association for Fire
Safety Science—the principal world forum for fire research."
“In my opinion, the WTC investigation by NIST falls short of
expectations by not definitively finding cause, by not sufficiently
linking recommendations of specificity to cause, by not fully
invoking all of their authority to seek facts in the investigation,
and by the guidance of government lawyers to deter rather than
develop fact finding."
Alan Miller reports:
"Dr. Quintiere made his plea during his presentation, 'Questions on
the WTC Investigations' at the 2007 World Fire Safety Conference. 'I
wish that there would be a peer review of this,' he said, referring
to the NIST investigation. 'I think all the records that NIST has
assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone
else take a look at what they’ve done; both structurally and from a
fire point of view.'”
“'I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is
questionable,' explained Dr. Quintiere. 'Let's look at real
alternatives that might have been the cause of the collapse of the
World Trade Towers and how that relates to the official cause and
what's the significance of one cause versus another.'”
"'I hope to convince you to perhaps become 'Conspiracy Theorists',
but in a proper way,' he said."
--Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent
Review of World Trade Center Investigation, By Alan Miller, August
21, 2007, Oped News
This degree of honesty and risk to one's reputation and career is
seldom seen from high-level government officials. We must take these
warnings and revelations seriously. Much more seriously than NIST
has done, considering their best guess is that a "new phenomenon"
brought Building 7 down, even though much hotter and longer-lasting
fires have never had a similar effect on other high rise buildings
in all of history. "Global collapse" just does not happen to steel
framed skyscrapers due to fire. It has not happened anywhere in the
world before or since that one September day.
I called this article "Bad Faith," and here is why. As Dr. Qunitere
has indicated, the investigation was hindered by "government
lawyers," and thus is clearly tainted. Its conclusions are suspect,
and a true independent investigation and "truth and reconciliation"
must occur if this matter is to be truly solved: if we are to ever
have justice for the crimes of September 11th 2001.
Bad Faith was the White House stalling for 444 days before
acquiescing to calls for a 9/11 investigation at all. Witholding
millions of documents and access to key witnesses was also
indication of cover-up and of acting in "bad faith" rather than as a
"good faith" source of information.
Bad Faith is ignoring the many whistleblowers, like Sibel Edmonds,
Indira Singh, Colleen Rowley, Harry Samit, Robert Wright and even
the sitting Senator Bob Graham who told PBS about the "foreign
governments" who were part of the 9/11 plot. But Graham was unable
to disclose these "governments" for fear of imprisonment!
Most relevant to the WTC7 building investigation is that all of the
steel [which they now attempt to use computers to simulate, as if
that was an acceptable forensic substitute] was disappeared from
history, and melted down in Asia -- ILLEGALLY -- and without any
justification whatsoever.
Bad Faith is that NIST deliberately misled the public by claiming
that "140 decibel" explosives would have been required to take out
support columns, knowing full well that evidence of incendiary
material (thermate) was found, which produces no such noise.
Further, on-scene witnesses heard many, many explosions and reported
those, but this is not allowed to factor in to the NIST cover-up.
Bad Faith is also trying to dismiss "conspiracy" at every
opportunity, by attempting to argue that because of a particular
claim regarding this particular building, no "conspiracy" could have
occurred on 9/11 at all. This is ludicrous reasoning on its face.
Even the government's official story is a conspiracy theory. We are
duty bound to investigate the extent and reach of this conspiracy --
as in what really happened that day, what preceded the day which
allowed it to occur, and what was blatantly covered-up after the
People who don't trust the Bush regime to tell them the truth about
anything else you could possibly name suddenly lose all capacity for
critical thought once the "sacred" topic of 9/11 is touched. If
these people could just acknowledge that a cover-up exists, that
would be the first step to demanding the actual truth.
Perhaps there's a 12 step process involved in escaping Plato's cave.
One must accept the possiblity of a cover-up, given the blatant and
overwhelming evidence of its existence. To deny this is infantile
and a clear example of cognitive dissonance.
Why would you accept Bad Faith excuses from a lying, despotic, war
criminal regime?
It truly boggles the mind.
Further debunking of the new NIST WTC7 report:
Debunking NIST's Conclusions about WTC 7: Easy as Shooting Fish in a
Barrel, George Washington's Blog
Links included:
Crimes of the State Blog
NIST WTC 7 Investigation Finds Building Fires Caused Collapse
Report and Recommendations for Improving Building Safety Released
for Comment
Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent
Review of World Trade Center Investigation
PBS News Hour, IMPROVING INTELLIGENCE, December 11, 2002
Debunking NIST's Conclusions about WTC 7: Easy as Shooting Fish in a