Evidence Shows Norway Terror Attack a False Flag |
![]() Evidence Shows Norway Terror Attack a False Flag Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com July 23, 2011 Prior to the events in Norway, the Department of Homeland Security released a propaganda video characterizing white middle class Americans as terrorists and members of white al-Qaeda, a term designed to conflate the image of the CIA-created Islamic terror group and “rightwing extremists” in America. The DHS video is part of the government’s “See Something, Say Something” mass hysteria campaign and follows its report leaked to the media in 2009 designating libertarians and Second Amendment advocates as terrorists and right-wing extremists. The alleged perpetrator in the Norway bombing and shooting is being described as a right-wing extremist who was a former member of a popular political party that regards itself to be a “libertarian people’s party” with an ideology based on classical liberalism. Anders Behring Breivik was at one time a member of the Progress Party, according to news reports. He was a member from 2004 to 2006 and in its youth party from 1997-2006 through 2007. The Progress Party platform preamble identifies the organization as populist libertarian and its main declared goal as a reduction in taxes and government intervention. The CFR says the Progress Party and similar political parties in Sweden and Finland represent a European Tea Party movement on the rise. In the U.S., the Tea Party has opposed government bailouts to the banksters and has called for ending the Federal Reserve. The EU, the IMF and the international bankers are worried about growing populism in Europe. “Rising political populism around Europe, driven by public anger over the impact of the financial crisis, threatens to make solving the euro zone’s debt woes increasingly difficult,” Reuters reported in April. Millions of Europeans are opposed to raiding their treasuries to pay for debt contrived by the bankers and have turned in large numbers to political parties such as the True Finns. The True Finns’ main campaign plank is opposition to funding a bailout for Portugal. In April, the Finnish party emerged from relative obscurity and moved into the political limelight. Its sudden popularity took the European establishment by surprise. The false flag attack in Norway arrives as populism grows in Germany, Europe’s reluctant paymaster for the contrived debt-based economic crisis. Establishment politicians in Germany have balked at a second bankster bailout. “We did it once, and we cannot do it a second time, we simply can’t,” said Jochen Sanio, head of the German financial market watchdog BaFin. Sanio said if the government raided the German treasury again the “taxpayers would come and hang all of us.” The EU and the European political establishment are beholden to the bankers and their “free market” – as in free to loot and plunder – neoliberal policies and have now pulled out all the stops in an effort to crush resistance to endless bailouts designed to crash local economies and destroy national sovereignty. It is no mistake the corporate media is comparing Anders Behring Breivik to Timothy McVeigh. Hours after the terrorist attack, Norway’s public broadcaster NRK cited Tore Bjørgo at the Police College in Oslo who said the attack resembled the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City. The 1995 attack blamed on Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people. Bjørgo mentioned The Turner Diaries, the “anti-government” novel written by William Luther Pierce, the former leader of the white nationalist organization National Alliance. The novel was introduced as evidence during the trial of Timothy McVeigh, the government agent patsy set-up to take the fall for the bombing. The Oklahoma City bombing was a false flag event used to roll out several draconian aspects of the police state in the 1990s. Following the attack, Congress passed at the behest of then president Clinton a number of national security proposals that built the foundation and established antecedents for the PATRIOT Act in response to the staged attacks of September 11, 2011. In addition to establishing a basis for so-called anti-terror legislation, the Oklahoma City bombing was used to demonize the patriot movement that formed in response to the brazen government attack on the Branch Davidians at Waco on April 19, 1993. False flag attacks followed by intense propaganda campaigns are one of several methods used by government to neutralize political opposition. Breivik is obviously a patsy for a Gladio operation to destroy political opposition to the bankers. Operation Gladio was a “strategy of tension” devised by the elite that employed terrorism – assassination and bombings – to discredit political opponents in Europe. It was set-up by the CIA and staffed in part with former members of Mussolini’s secret police. In the days ahead, we can expect more false flag terror events. These will be used by the corporate media to portray opponents to the bankster scam as child killing terrorists. For the global elite, mass murder blamed on political opponents is a legitimate tool in the plan to take down national economies and install a one-world totalitarian government and banking system run in neofeudal fashion. http://www.prisonplanet.com/evidence-shows-norway-terror-attack-a-false-flag.html |